LH Foundation Scholarship Application

  • The information provided on this form will be used by the Lincoln Hall Committee to select recipients for scholarships. It is important that you give complete details concerning your college/career plans, activities and financial information. The deadline to submit the application is March 29, 2025.
Scholarship Application
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College address where your scholarship check will be mailed
In order of preference, list the major(s) you are considering. Very important for scholarship eligibility.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
A written statement to support the scholarship request which includes: A brief description of the educational program from which the scholarship is requested An essay as to why this scholarship is important to the applicant and his/her long term educational/vocational goals A brief decription of the community services projects Three letters of recommendation supporting the scholarship request Optional documents may be included to provide additional information such as certificates, transcripts, educational institution brochures, letter(s) of explanation of special circumstances, etc.